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Labour Audits

Inspectors from the Department of Labour regularly visit workplaces to check the level of compliance with labour legislation. The following are some of the aspects inspectors check:

1. Are you registered with the Compensation Fund?

2. Are you registered with the Unemployment Insurance Fund?

3. Do you have a copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the relevant Regulations on the premises and is the Act and the Regulations available to the workers if they want to read it?

4. Do you display the Summary of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act?

5. Do you display the Summary of the Employment Equity Act?

6. Have you appointed Health and Safety Representatives?

7. Have you established Health and Safety Committees in your workplace?

8. Are you and your workers trained to recognise health and safety problems?

• Are moving parts like drive belts and chains guarded?

• Are chemicals used safely and stored in a safe place?

• Are emergency exits clearly marked and easily accessible?

• Are fire extinguishers accessible and serviced regularly?

• Are flammable material stored and used correctly, for instance not near fires?

9. Do you have fully equipped first aid boxes on the premises?

10. Are all electrical wires insulated and proper plugs used in your workplace?

11. Do you report injuries at work to the Department of Labour?

12. Do you have clean and hygienic toilets and washing facilities provided for males and females?

13. Do you have an attendance register at your workplace?

On their website the Department of Labour notes that "It is the employerʼs duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace. If you answered NO to any of the above, you have to rectify immediately. Failure to comply with the above constitutes a criminal offense. Workers should report unsafe or unhealthy conditions to their employer and/or the health and safety representative."

Contact Claudia at Oriole Consulting to assist with queries on any of the above points –

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